==a x infinitive
yesterday, we had a choir pratice in the school for the independence day *don't know the spelling is true or wrong.. It's so boring...... actually it's because i was so sleepy that i felt bored. Btw, Cindy looked angry yesterday at the Choir Pratice Session. I wonder why?
hmm, so yesterday... i was supposed to go out with Selvi and the others to Nicky's house. But suddenly Selvi got a stomachache so it was cancelled :[
but.. i feel okay now with Mr. J hmm i wonder why? maybe it's because the books we must bring are not as heavy as before... But he still gives us a lotttt of homework.... T_T
Today... I hope..
will go longer than yesterday.. b'coz i slept at 7 last night ==a and not woke up until 8 am this morning.. I hope today will be longer than yesterday! b'coz i had looked the TV schedule and 3pm to 10 pm is Full of the TV programs that i love to watch ^^
Jumat, 31 Juli 2009
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
DvDs, Love it... School, Hate it

2 weeks ago i just bought bunchs of DvDs... Smallville, Las Vegas and The Mentalist... I think the most worth to watch is. no 1. The Mentalist 2. Smallville 3. Las Vegas.... I'm talking about the excitement and the story line in the DvD.... I had watched The Mentalist Season 1 episode 9 before i wrote this blog post..
What i have watched so far : Smallville season 3 episode 4... Las Vegas Season 6 episode 9.... The Mentalist season 1 episode 9....
I intend to buy CSI : Crime Scene Investigation as soon as i finished all of the DvDs i have bought
Okay, back to school... i feel weird... why did the Jubilee School make a new comer teacher to become my EL teacher and also my Class Teacher? It's Intensive class okay??? The IPS INTENSIF is way more lucky than we are.. Their EL teacher is my ex-EL teacher : Ms. Syu... and they don't have 2 periods with Ms. Cutie and Mr. Very Very Kind... ARGHHH The New Teachers that just teach us have the same habit..... HOMEWORK yeah.. HOMEWORK with infinitive S-es.
Rabu, 29 Juli 2009
Hey you Mr. J - - a
Okay.. so wkwk. blog gw pasti bahasanya campur aduk dah. *to the point
hari ini jam ke-6 di skul gw tuh si Mr. J trus sebelomnya dia kasih kita PR suruh kita baca textbook gitu ada cerita yang 5 halaman dan sama sekali gk menarik... Lalu dia suruh kita kerjain Workbooknya.. disuruh deskripsi karakter inget! DESKRIPSI... dan juga pertanyaan" yang menyangkut itu......
Lalu pas Jam H-nya.... dia masuk trus gw dengan tampang sok rajinnya omong:" Sir ini HW-nya. "
trus dia bilang.. "okay we'll discussed it later... I will not discussed it for you.." Kalo gk dikumpul yah bilang gk usah dikumpul!!!! apain kaya gw minta dia kasih jawaban aj T_T. Lalu kan dah nyampe salah satu karakter utama namanya Dawan gitu... trus dia kan adeknya Kwai... Lalu...
dia tuh dah nulis banyak banget deskripsinya di papan.. tapi gk ada tentang hubungan dia ama karakter laennya( Kwai ). Trus gw bilang:," Sir! Dawan is KWAI's sister!!! " trus dia dengan tololnya menulis She is a WISE ...... trus gw tegasin :" KWAI Sir! KWAI " Trus dia bilang : "I'm talking about personalities here... " Trus gw nunjuk buku Workbook yang dengan jelas" ada DESCRIPTION dia malah mintanya personalitiesnya doank ==a ==a FHL. Trus dia bilang sesuatu yang terdenger bego dari sudut pandang gw : " Yes, of course. I know I know.. Everybody knows that. " Yang gk baca ceritanya mana tau seh ??? ==a
sudahlah.. gk penting pusingin itu....
Btw, besok kelas gw ada tumpengan... dan Ankle gw... KESELEO yap.. benar. KESELEO.. semoga besok bisa masuk skul d bwat tumpengan ^^ GBU and Me ^^
hari ini jam ke-6 di skul gw tuh si Mr. J trus sebelomnya dia kasih kita PR suruh kita baca textbook gitu ada cerita yang 5 halaman dan sama sekali gk menarik... Lalu dia suruh kita kerjain Workbooknya.. disuruh deskripsi karakter inget! DESKRIPSI... dan juga pertanyaan" yang menyangkut itu......
Lalu pas Jam H-nya.... dia masuk trus gw dengan tampang sok rajinnya omong:" Sir ini HW-nya. "
trus dia bilang.. "okay we'll discussed it later... I will not discussed it for you.." Kalo gk dikumpul yah bilang gk usah dikumpul!!!! apain kaya gw minta dia kasih jawaban aj T_T. Lalu kan dah nyampe salah satu karakter utama namanya Dawan gitu... trus dia kan adeknya Kwai... Lalu...
dia tuh dah nulis banyak banget deskripsinya di papan.. tapi gk ada tentang hubungan dia ama karakter laennya( Kwai ). Trus gw bilang:," Sir! Dawan is KWAI's sister!!! " trus dia dengan tololnya menulis She is a WISE ...... trus gw tegasin :" KWAI Sir! KWAI " Trus dia bilang : "I'm talking about personalities here... " Trus gw nunjuk buku Workbook yang dengan jelas" ada DESCRIPTION dia malah mintanya personalitiesnya doank ==a ==a FHL. Trus dia bilang sesuatu yang terdenger bego dari sudut pandang gw : " Yes, of course. I know I know.. Everybody knows that. " Yang gk baca ceritanya mana tau seh ??? ==a
sudahlah.. gk penting pusingin itu....
Btw, besok kelas gw ada tumpengan... dan Ankle gw... KESELEO yap.. benar. KESELEO.. semoga besok bisa masuk skul d bwat tumpengan ^^ GBU and Me ^^
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