I was playing Rohan Online this whole week, and it's really fun, hmm 3 reasons: 1. With My Friends, 2. I haven't played MMORPG when i stopped playing RF at June(or May?), 3. It's not boring. I have been playing Rohan for almost a month, lv 35..
I just got my Iphone ^^. But i can't use it to phone or to messaging, because i haven't registered it at hmm some place where i don't know.. It's sucks ....
I missed school so much *but it's a lie*. I am going to have a flag ceremony on Monday. You know what the reason is?? Because hmm, we must congratulate the new Student Organization's New LEADER(i don't know if it's the correct word)... It's so unimportant, because i DON'T care about that damn Student Organization's New Leader Election thing, but why i must congratulate him/her with Flag Ceremony? *Damn*.
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009
Hey! I'm back...
So, after hmm a long weekend.. I want to write an entry again.. Hmm.... Because, i think there should be a little secret of me that i keep that in myself, and not to tell people about it ^^.....
Hmm, Drama, Indonesian Drama, My teacher gave my friends and me a project and yes, it's Drama. My group hmm, still confused which topic to take, either Love or Horror. But's i like both of them, so i hope that I and they will make a good decision ^^.
There is one more thing. I feel that i'm too into a group of friend that makes me forget the others.. Actually it's not their fault, it's my fault, so i'm maybe keep a little distance for a while and i'm going to not hang out with them for 2-3 weeks until all settle down... ^^
Wish Me Luck!!,
Hmm, Drama, Indonesian Drama, My teacher gave my friends and me a project and yes, it's Drama. My group hmm, still confused which topic to take, either Love or Horror. But's i like both of them, so i hope that I and they will make a good decision ^^.
There is one more thing. I feel that i'm too into a group of friend that makes me forget the others.. Actually it's not their fault, it's my fault, so i'm maybe keep a little distance for a while and i'm going to not hang out with them for 2-3 weeks until all settle down... ^^
Wish Me Luck!!,
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009
Hmm... Her Voice... Wow. haha
Hari ini ada temen gw yang Ultah nih ceritanya (sabtu, 8-8-09(baru nyadar sepupu gw jga Ultah, tapi ntah knp gw gk diajak pergi ama dia ==a)) hahaha. trus. dia tuh traktirin kita makan jalan" gitu... sampai jam 4-an gitu... kita semua karaoke kan... Awalnya seh si orang yang Ultah ini diem" aj cman ikut"an nyanyi doank without mic.. tapi setelah Sesi Lagu Rock abis.. dan masuk ke Lagu Pop.. Wow, she's so astonishing. haha dia bgus banget suaranya... Lagu PP, Peterpan, Jobros, Miley Cyrus. dia bisa semua seh hahaha. tapi dia hmm walau cman nyanyi bagian yang dia bisa tapi menurut gw itu dah lebih dari cukup ^^........
Hahaha, btw hari ini pas sebelom gw ke Gadingnya gw ngerasa hmm, gmn y? Unhappy gitu ntah kenapa.. tapi setelah ketemu temen" di sono seh haha dah ^^ kembali. Di sono banyak orang suka candid candid gitu hmm: Lutung, Cyn, Boogie.... gw sendiri juga seh tapi males post ke FB ....
Besok... pergi ke Gading lagi. aduh dah 2 hari berturut" ke gading masa besok ke gading lagi?? jumat, beliin hadiah bwat yang ultah. sabtu diundang rayain. minggu diajakin nonton.. ==a d haha ^^ tapi tetep d gw ikut aj. Mempererat hubungan antar teman.. cieeee. wkwkwk
Hahaha, btw hari ini pas sebelom gw ke Gadingnya gw ngerasa hmm, gmn y? Unhappy gitu ntah kenapa.. tapi setelah ketemu temen" di sono seh haha dah ^^ kembali. Di sono banyak orang suka candid candid gitu hmm: Lutung, Cyn, Boogie.... gw sendiri juga seh tapi males post ke FB ....
Besok... pergi ke Gading lagi. aduh dah 2 hari berturut" ke gading masa besok ke gading lagi?? jumat, beliin hadiah bwat yang ultah. sabtu diundang rayain. minggu diajakin nonton.. ==a d haha ^^ tapi tetep d gw ikut aj. Mempererat hubungan antar teman.. cieeee. wkwkwk
Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009
Special Edition... *Indonesian
OKay, hari ini dikeselin ama 2 anak.... di tempat les... yah, emg gw gk jago tapi hmm, gk usah diketawain gitu kale... hmm, yang pasti gw tuh gk semales salah satunya, dan gk semaen"in-nya yang 1 lagi..
maybe gw hari ini agak serius kale y? masalahnya gk ada yang bisa diajak obrol pas les-ny. trus tuh 2 tuh omong terus... bukannya gimana, tapi agak SoIng gitu. Omongnya inggris terus... trus gk henti"nya hina gw gitu, bilang gw brainless.... gk bisa inggris.... tolol .... WTF mereka b2 yang masih umur 8-9 an aj omong gitu.. gmn pas gede booo? hahaha.
hari ini les inggris dibatalkan karena dah gak ada kelasnya hari ini.. hmm so, gw nulis entry ini ^^
maybe gw hari ini agak serius kale y? masalahnya gk ada yang bisa diajak obrol pas les-ny. trus tuh 2 tuh omong terus... bukannya gimana, tapi agak SoIng gitu. Omongnya inggris terus... trus gk henti"nya hina gw gitu, bilang gw brainless.... gk bisa inggris.... tolol .... WTF mereka b2 yang masih umur 8-9 an aj omong gitu.. gmn pas gede booo? hahaha.
hari ini les inggris dibatalkan karena dah gak ada kelasnya hari ini.. hmm so, gw nulis entry ini ^^
Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009
Tired?, maybe..
I'm so tired today that i already want to sleep at 8... Maybe it's b'coz of the Chemistry HW and the Math Test tomorrow.. haha.. Already sleepy...
I found out that my friend(MS) is having a close relationship with my another friend(RO)... congratzz ^^
I found out that my friend(MS) is having a close relationship with my another friend(RO)... congratzz ^^
Senin, 03 Agustus 2009
Found something special today....
Okay.. There're 3 different things that i want to talk about in this entry...
1. Teachers' real face
2. Kind Uncle on the road..
3. Weight Control...
1.... Hmm, today (monday) again.... i accepted many Homeworks from 3 teachers i think... Ms Cutie, Mr. Very Very Nice and Mr. Portugal. hmm, although i can finish them.. But i don't know why they are so happy to give us Homeworks??? ==a Okay and here it is. I asked Ms. Cutie about Mr. Portugal today... But.. hmm i think she doesn't take it as a matter. Like i had said before.. why a new teacher teaches INTENSIVE class? not that i look down on him or i look up to myself.. but, it's just so strange !!!!
2.... So, today, same.. i went to the Tennis Centre at Yaporti at 4 today... I praticed some slices haha, i think i have improved some in the Serving.. okay To the point.. It was 6 and i was waiting for the Ojek Driver to show up in front of his motorcycle... hmm, then suddenly an uncle showed up and ask me if i want to take his motorcycle so i took the offer and i got down of his motorcycle at EF, when i got down i asked, " How much is it?" and then he said ," It's not Ojek" ==a "OMG, thanks !!!!" I said that.... I'm suprised that i can still found some nice people in this cruel world..
3. Okay, so i intend to write my weight in this blog to remind me how much do i lost/ gained in the following weeks... my weight now.... 83,5 kg. ^^ haha, i hope i can reduce it to 70 something by my 16th birthday ^^!!
1. Teachers' real face
2. Kind Uncle on the road..
3. Weight Control...
1.... Hmm, today (monday) again.... i accepted many Homeworks from 3 teachers i think... Ms Cutie, Mr. Very Very Nice and Mr. Portugal. hmm, although i can finish them.. But i don't know why they are so happy to give us Homeworks??? ==a Okay and here it is. I asked Ms. Cutie about Mr. Portugal today... But.. hmm i think she doesn't take it as a matter. Like i had said before.. why a new teacher teaches INTENSIVE class? not that i look down on him or i look up to myself.. but, it's just so strange !!!!
2.... So, today, same.. i went to the Tennis Centre at Yaporti at 4 today... I praticed some slices haha, i think i have improved some in the Serving.. okay To the point.. It was 6 and i was waiting for the Ojek Driver to show up in front of his motorcycle... hmm, then suddenly an uncle showed up and ask me if i want to take his motorcycle so i took the offer and i got down of his motorcycle at EF, when i got down i asked, " How much is it?" and then he said ," It's not Ojek" ==a "OMG, thanks !!!!" I said that.... I'm suprised that i can still found some nice people in this cruel world..
3. Okay, so i intend to write my weight in this blog to remind me how much do i lost/ gained in the following weeks... my weight now.... 83,5 kg. ^^ haha, i hope i can reduce it to 70 something by my 16th birthday ^^!!
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009
Murderer... KEREN!!! ada banyak foto kocak
Hmm, so today i went to Gading with Nicky, her bf, Cynthia, Santa and Selvi.. Actually most of the time it was just Cynthia, Selvi and me.. b'coz hmm... i think her bf isn't that E-G haha. Hmm, we went to a beverages stand near the escalator... FYI, when i arrived there... there was a black out... But 15 minutes later.... the lights were on again ^^ Yay! Then, i met Selvi at TimeZone and went to StarBucks On the Ground Floor.. I bought a really small + expensive Green Tea Latte and ate a very small piece and expensive cheese cake.. *not that strong aganist food temptation ^^....
So after that, Nicky said that she wanted to go to Sushi Tei and ate with her bf and sister.. so Cynthia, Selvi and I decided to sit out of the Lunch.... We went to Happy Puppy @Lapiaz. Cynthia got a photo with a Ms. kuntilanak on it... At last, we went to XXI and watched MURDERER !!!!
Murderer is a Chinese HongKong Film.. It's about hmm.. a little psycho killer who kills his/her victim with an electric drill(bor listrik??) and let the victim died with the huge amount of blood lost. Hmm, maybe it's better that you watch it by yourself. coz.. the storyline is huge....... ^^
After Murderer, we went to Bamboo with taxi and ate a lot of ALL YOU CAN EAT Dimsum there haha. I felt a little embrassed(right spelling?) because everytime the waiter offered us the dimsum we took them all to our table... there're 2 photos i took there... seeeeee

So after that, Nicky said that she wanted to go to Sushi Tei and ate with her bf and sister.. so Cynthia, Selvi and I decided to sit out of the Lunch.... We went to Happy Puppy @Lapiaz. Cynthia got a photo with a Ms. kuntilanak on it... At last, we went to XXI and watched MURDERER !!!!
Murderer is a Chinese HongKong Film.. It's about hmm.. a little psycho killer who kills his/her victim with an electric drill(bor listrik??) and let the victim died with the huge amount of blood lost. Hmm, maybe it's better that you watch it by yourself. coz.. the storyline is huge....... ^^
After Murderer, we went to Bamboo with taxi and ate a lot of ALL YOU CAN EAT Dimsum there haha. I felt a little embrassed(right spelling?) because everytime the waiter offered us the dimsum we took them all to our table... there're 2 photos i took there... seeeeee

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