Yeah, as i posted in the last post, my Great Grandmother just passed away, and... When i asked my mother, how are we going to celebrate this year's christmas.. My mom answered," your great Grandmother just passed away, we must be like in a *melayat* mode for one whole year.. So we can't celebrate any occasion (include our birthdays(no birthday cakes & presents), new year(no firecrackers), SinChia(no angpao coming), Lebaran(no effect) ).
So, 2010 will be sucks... I think.. The Great Grandmother is from my dad's side.. so all of my dad's relatives are going to go through the whole years like this. Just hoping my parents don't prohibite me from going to a mall Lol...
Senin, 21 Desember 2009
Kamis, 17 Desember 2009
Santa Claus is coming... to town...
It's chrismas holiday starts from today =DDD. It's 2 weeks long. I hope i can regain my energy that i've used for the Try Out-s
So i just finished playing it.. and.. yeah, nothing that much to say
I want to say ," congrats kagamine to have a loveydovey relationship"
*it's kinda like a junk post huh? ={
Nothing much to said, my great grandmother just passed away ;'( .
Actually, i'm going there on the 20th.. But the Visa doesn't allow it..
I think i'll just pass this christmas in my home =x
So i just finished playing it.. and.. yeah, nothing that much to say
I want to say ," congrats kagamine to have a loveydovey relationship"
*it's kinda like a junk post huh? ={
Nothing much to said, my great grandmother just passed away ;'( .
Actually, i'm going there on the 20th.. But the Visa doesn't allow it..
I think i'll just pass this christmas in my home =x
Selasa, 15 Desember 2009
Yeah, there's a downfall as an *smart-marked* student(LOLLLL!!!). When I got good grades, i would underestimates every other subjects... And it was proved TODAY...
My maths = 40 WOWW!!
My indonesian language = 58 Top 20 from the bot...
so, today.. i studied hard for the physics test coming up tomorrow, i only can hoping that it'll go well tomorrow =D.
I just watched Supernatural(actually yesterday), it's about a magic show, and the magician shows the trick to escape from the death.. ex: he got stabbed in chest with a knife, and he survived, while..... somewhere , there's a man died with the same way as the magician should died.. Creepy huh? (i didn't watch until the ending :'(...
Yea, i start thinking if i'm capable for the intensive class or not(i just though it after 4 semesters in the class LOL).
:'( ,
My maths = 40 WOWW!!
My indonesian language = 58 Top 20 from the bot...
so, today.. i studied hard for the physics test coming up tomorrow, i only can hoping that it'll go well tomorrow =D.
I just watched Supernatural(actually yesterday), it's about a magic show, and the magician shows the trick to escape from the death.. ex: he got stabbed in chest with a knife, and he survived, while..... somewhere , there's a man died with the same way as the magician should died.. Creepy huh? (i didn't watch until the ending :'(...
Yea, i start thinking if i'm capable for the intensive class or not(i just though it after 4 semesters in the class LOL).
:'( ,
Kamis, 10 Desember 2009
Hmm, 3 pilihan yang berbeda..
Gw seh baru kepikiran bwat mikirin masa depan gw pas gw nulis blog ini, trus gw cek tentang jurusan" yang ada di Univ yang bonyok gw pengen gw masuk...
Trus gw dapet 3 pilihan ini:
1. Surgery
2.Pharmateutics OR
3.Human Centered Design
Yah, besok gw omongin ama bonyok d, dan juga konsultasi ama ngko gw. haha, semoga diberkati d =D..
Trus gw dapet 3 pilihan ini:
1. Surgery
2.Pharmateutics OR
3.Human Centered Design
Yah, besok gw omongin ama bonyok d, dan juga konsultasi ama ngko gw. haha, semoga diberkati d =D..
Hmm, beneran d, kalo 1 orang berubah semua kena cipratannya
I just read a post of my friend's personal blog.. His/her situation is the same as mine... Struggling with his/her mind... Me too....
Really, gw dah berusaha seh tetap menjaga hubungan.. Tapi gw ngerasa itu kayanya dah kgk diperlukan sekarang...
Masa lalu yah masa lalu...
Kalau terlalu dipaksa malah ancur.. terlalu dibiarkan juga ancur...
Sekarang tuh kalo di sekolah.. Yah menetap di tempat duduk aja, gk pengen berpindah tempat.. Pas dulu juga.... Dia datang yah sudah biarkan, tidak datang yah sudah, what ever..
Mungkin gw ngerasa semuanya berubah, menjadi TIDAK BEGITU dekat.. Yah that's my point of view. They're more B, i think hahaha, nvm....
Really, gw dah berusaha seh tetap menjaga hubungan.. Tapi gw ngerasa itu kayanya dah kgk diperlukan sekarang...
Masa lalu yah masa lalu...
Kalau terlalu dipaksa malah ancur.. terlalu dibiarkan juga ancur...
Sekarang tuh kalo di sekolah.. Yah menetap di tempat duduk aja, gk pengen berpindah tempat.. Pas dulu juga.... Dia datang yah sudah biarkan, tidak datang yah sudah, what ever..
Mungkin gw ngerasa semuanya berubah, menjadi TIDAK BEGITU dekat.. Yah that's my point of view. They're more B, i think hahaha, nvm....
Rabu, 09 Desember 2009
Hmm, people changes.. - - a
So, yeah, as the title says people changes.. Yes, they really change...
Semuanya keliatan oke-oke aj ampe suatu saat tuh gw ngerasa kayanya ada benarnya peribahasa ,"Habis manis sepah dibuang"... Memang mungkin skarang dah kgk deket/ sering ngobrol kaya dulu lagi.. tapi.. apakah harus membuat gw merasa hmm... dijauhkan? haha. It's kinda annoying D:
Tadi sih gw ampe banting raket pas di tempat les, gara" kesel + banyaknya masalah di rumah gw dan di skul...
Guru Fisika gw A.K.A. Wakil Kepala Sekolah gw tuh.. Ntah kenapa tiba" sensi gitu... --a ama kelas gw.. Dia tuh act-ny beda banget ama di kelas laen... Di kelas kita diber-candain dikit aj langsung dimarahin bilangnya," Kalian gk nyadar y? kalau kalian sudah mau UN?". Blablabla, tapi di kelas laen malah Enjoy" aje --a.... pengen gw lontarkan kata" tak sopan tapi sudahlah....
Trus paling gaje tuh tadi.. kan dia masuk ke kelas kita.. trus dia nanya kita dah dapet kertas TO 1 blom? trus kita bilang blom miss, waktu itu kertasnya kurang... Trus kan dia keluar nyari kertas... TAPI.. JRENG JRENG JRENG JRENG, dia balik" marah kan awalnya gw kira gara" kelas kita ribut... Mana ada sih Teacher-less Class yang QUIET?? Tau"nya dia bilang," kalian tuh kenapa gk inisiatif dikit bwat ambil kertas soal ny?" Nadanya seh kaya ***** abis. trus ngamuk" ," kalian tuh maunya disuapin terus, disendokin terus." BULLSHITTING.... dia bilangnya tuh ," kalian tuh yang ujian bukan guru, kenapa mesti guru yang kejar" siswa?". Pengen gw samberin," Miss, KITA yang bayar UANG SEKOLAH bwat GAJI MISS." Dumbass.
Yang pasti itu berakhir dengan gw bete ama tuh guru.
Semoga ada miracle biar gw berpendapat baik lagi tentang tuh guru... --a
Semuanya keliatan oke-oke aj ampe suatu saat tuh gw ngerasa kayanya ada benarnya peribahasa ,"Habis manis sepah dibuang"... Memang mungkin skarang dah kgk deket/ sering ngobrol kaya dulu lagi.. tapi.. apakah harus membuat gw merasa hmm... dijauhkan? haha. It's kinda annoying D:
Tadi sih gw ampe banting raket pas di tempat les, gara" kesel + banyaknya masalah di rumah gw dan di skul...
Guru Fisika gw A.K.A. Wakil Kepala Sekolah gw tuh.. Ntah kenapa tiba" sensi gitu... --a ama kelas gw.. Dia tuh act-ny beda banget ama di kelas laen... Di kelas kita diber-candain dikit aj langsung dimarahin bilangnya," Kalian gk nyadar y? kalau kalian sudah mau UN?". Blablabla, tapi di kelas laen malah Enjoy" aje --a.... pengen gw lontarkan kata" tak sopan tapi sudahlah....
Trus paling gaje tuh tadi.. kan dia masuk ke kelas kita.. trus dia nanya kita dah dapet kertas TO 1 blom? trus kita bilang blom miss, waktu itu kertasnya kurang... Trus kan dia keluar nyari kertas... TAPI.. JRENG JRENG JRENG JRENG, dia balik" marah kan awalnya gw kira gara" kelas kita ribut... Mana ada sih Teacher-less Class yang QUIET?? Tau"nya dia bilang," kalian tuh kenapa gk inisiatif dikit bwat ambil kertas soal ny?" Nadanya seh kaya ***** abis. trus ngamuk" ," kalian tuh maunya disuapin terus, disendokin terus." BULLSHITTING.... dia bilangnya tuh ," kalian tuh yang ujian bukan guru, kenapa mesti guru yang kejar" siswa?". Pengen gw samberin," Miss, KITA yang bayar UANG SEKOLAH bwat GAJI MISS." Dumbass.
Yang pasti itu berakhir dengan gw bete ama tuh guru.
Semoga ada miracle biar gw berpendapat baik lagi tentang tuh guru... --a
Minggu, 08 November 2009
Acara makan" di rumah..
So, hari ini mengubah sejarah negh wkwk. Keluarga gw pertama kali adain acara makan" bwat saudara gitu" SEMUA saudara dateng .. Sebenernya ini dalam rangka pindah ke rumah baru seh. seperti yang gw post di post ke berapa y sebelomnya, gw pindah rumah, dan tradisi keluarga gw tuh kalo lu pindah rumah mesti traktir makan" di rumah nya itu. haha
Makanan kali ini lumayan memuaskan lah... Sapo Tahu bungkusan.., Sop Asparagus Kepiting. Yum Yum... Jelly Mangga <3 hahaha
Btw, gw ternyata tuh lebih demen omong ama saudara JAUH gw hmm adeknya nenek gw punya anak punya suami punya adek punya anak diBANDING saudara SEPUPU sendiri.. Mungkin gara" perbedaan derajat kale y. Sepupu gw yang di sini kan High-Class semua hahaha(kaya", kecuali dari anak adek emak gw haha, masih rendah diri), sementara saudara Jauh gw tuh jauh lebih sederajat ama gw, dan dia bisa mandarin... *NB: Saudara sepupu gw yang bisa mandarin tuh masih MAnDARIN Basic banget wkwkwkwk*gk menghina yee*. Sementara saudara jauh gw DAN sepupu dari sisi bokap gw tuh semuanya setidaknya bisa mandarin atau bahasa kanton. Lol, dan point terpentingnya yaitu kita SEDERAJAT (menurut pandangan gw ..) masalahnya mereka tuh agak tinggi hati(buka aib keluarga ndiri T_T).... Masa gw add FB mereka aj, mereka comment di wall gwnya *Tumben MODERN* cih. wkwkwk Lol.. Buka AIB d serius AIB banget.
Sorry terputus, tiba" sepupu gw buka pintu, haha. Fyuhh.h.. untung dia kgk baca =D. Trus ada tambahan negh.. kan gw ngetiknya sambil tutup lampu kan, trus sepupu gw kan pinjem komp gw, trus gw keluar, tapi gw lupa ambil HP gw, trus gw masuk ke dalam kamar gw dan ambil Hp gw, lalu dia malah suruh gw buka lampu.. Dia buta kale y gk bisa liat tuh pencetan lampu nyee..
Lalu, kan pada mulai pulang" gitu.. gw bukain pagar kan (gw tuh bukanya sambil senyum gitu), gk ad yang bilang makasih y ato bye bye ke gw..(gw bukain bwat paman penjudi gw ama sepupu gw yang dah nikah seh.. emang 2 2nya lebih TUA, tapi setidaknya kan y, sopan dikit kek jadi manusia.. ==a)
Makanan kali ini lumayan memuaskan lah... Sapo Tahu bungkusan.., Sop Asparagus Kepiting. Yum Yum... Jelly Mangga <3 hahaha
Btw, gw ternyata tuh lebih demen omong ama saudara JAUH gw hmm adeknya nenek gw punya anak punya suami punya adek punya anak diBANDING saudara SEPUPU sendiri.. Mungkin gara" perbedaan derajat kale y. Sepupu gw yang di sini kan High-Class semua hahaha(kaya", kecuali dari anak adek emak gw haha, masih rendah diri), sementara saudara Jauh gw tuh jauh lebih sederajat ama gw, dan dia bisa mandarin... *NB: Saudara sepupu gw yang bisa mandarin tuh masih MAnDARIN Basic banget wkwkwkwk*gk menghina yee*. Sementara saudara jauh gw DAN sepupu dari sisi bokap gw tuh semuanya setidaknya bisa mandarin atau bahasa kanton. Lol, dan point terpentingnya yaitu kita SEDERAJAT (menurut pandangan gw ..) masalahnya mereka tuh agak tinggi hati(buka aib keluarga ndiri T_T).... Masa gw add FB mereka aj, mereka comment di wall gwnya *Tumben MODERN* cih. wkwkwk Lol.. Buka AIB d serius AIB banget.
Sorry terputus, tiba" sepupu gw buka pintu, haha. Fyuhh.h.. untung dia kgk baca =D. Trus ada tambahan negh.. kan gw ngetiknya sambil tutup lampu kan, trus sepupu gw kan pinjem komp gw, trus gw keluar, tapi gw lupa ambil HP gw, trus gw masuk ke dalam kamar gw dan ambil Hp gw, lalu dia malah suruh gw buka lampu.. Dia buta kale y gk bisa liat tuh pencetan lampu nyee..
Lalu, kan pada mulai pulang" gitu.. gw bukain pagar kan (gw tuh bukanya sambil senyum gitu), gk ad yang bilang makasih y ato bye bye ke gw..(gw bukain bwat paman penjudi gw ama sepupu gw yang dah nikah seh.. emang 2 2nya lebih TUA, tapi setidaknya kan y, sopan dikit kek jadi manusia.. ==a)
Kamis, 05 November 2009
Don't know what's the topic Lol
Senen, betis kanan gw yang ketarik makin parah, sakitnya tuh lebih sakit dari kemaren" jadi gw gk les bwat 4 hari dan besok bakal les lagi, jadi selama selasa-kamis gw les pelajaran, mayan guna seh haha, lumayan nyicil bwat Try Out... btw, senen gw dikasih kesempatan maen di Center Court, walau cuman Yaporti tapi gw merasa seneng banget, ngerasa maen match di Outdoor Court.. Pertama kali seh masih gk biasa ama servenya tapi setelah beberapa lama it's getting better haha. I won 6:3...
Selasa, jadwal TO dibagiin... dan gw liat ternyata sekolah gw tuh 1 hari 1 pelajaran, gk kaya sekolah laen yang 3 hari @ hari : 2pelajaran.. hahaha
Rabu, les lagi..
Kamis, les lagi.. pas pulang gw ntn Caught On Tape di AXN haha, mayan keren video"nya =D
I'm going to take a day off from the school subject torturing, Lol. And go back to the court Lol.. sok banget =P Tomorrow.....
Selasa, jadwal TO dibagiin... dan gw liat ternyata sekolah gw tuh 1 hari 1 pelajaran, gk kaya sekolah laen yang 3 hari @ hari : 2pelajaran.. hahaha
Rabu, les lagi..
Kamis, les lagi.. pas pulang gw ntn Caught On Tape di AXN haha, mayan keren video"nya =D
I'm going to take a day off from the school subject torturing, Lol. And go back to the court Lol.. sok banget =P Tomorrow.....
Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009
Info Updates:
Do you guys remember the entry i posted on 2 August 2009? about my weight, haha. I'm now 80,3 =D 3 kgs for 3 months, not bad =D
On Thursday, i had a English Literature Class which is taught by my former English Language Teacher, yap mr. J.. And i heard a lot of rumors that he was just lying all the time, that he's not from US/ Australia, but he comes from UGM... ==a. and i don't know that he REALLY studied Malay Literature in UGM or not.
So, on that day, i heard another rumor from my english teacher, miss S, that mr. J already married and his WIFE is way more younger than him, so i decided to ask him in his class later... When i asked him, he said that," i will not answer that question, and you must learn more about western culture." I just showed a WTF look to him, and he continued to say that line. ==a.
Can someone who saw this entry answered me?
So, on that day, i heard another rumor from my english teacher, miss S, that mr. J already married and his WIFE is way more younger than him, so i decided to ask him in his class later... When i asked him, he said that," i will not answer that question, and you must learn more about western culture." I just showed a WTF look to him, and he continued to say that line. ==a.
Can someone who saw this entry answered me?
So, gw mulai maen HoN, walau blom Open Beta(ato udah y? gk tau d). gw dapet ID dari temen gw si Peng, yap. Sekarang lagi download tuh game haha, sambil browsing tentang HoN di Web..
ternyata ini game agak mirip" ama DotA, walau gk sama persis seh, HoN juga ada Hero" baru bikinannya , bukan semuanya dibuat berdasarkan yang di DotA... Gw seh dah liat Icon" Skillnya, Itemnya. Semuanya jauh lebih keren dari pada DotA, (itu yang gw pikir haha)...
HoN= Heroes of Newerth =P
Here's the web :
Btw, happy halloween all, untuk yang merayakan, kekekekek...
I'm addicted to The Amazing Race, Body Invaders and Supernatural right now =D....
ternyata ini game agak mirip" ama DotA, walau gk sama persis seh, HoN juga ada Hero" baru bikinannya , bukan semuanya dibuat berdasarkan yang di DotA... Gw seh dah liat Icon" Skillnya, Itemnya. Semuanya jauh lebih keren dari pada DotA, (itu yang gw pikir haha)...
HoN= Heroes of Newerth =P
Here's the web :
Btw, happy halloween all, untuk yang merayakan, kekekekek...
I'm addicted to The Amazing Race, Body Invaders and Supernatural right now =D....
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
It's not yet 6 am, but i want to post this
So, today, i woke up and cried for 3 minutes.. Because something i dreamt before really hurts my feeling.
The first scene of the dream showed me that there were mean souls in this world and it destroy a building, and i looked that all of these happens because God is mad at the human...
The second scene is that i joined 2 of my friends(which i don't know in the real world(not even acquintance)). And she built up a kekkai or whatever around it.
The third scene is that i was at the Ground Floor of my school and ready to take the elevator, and the elevator is layered with mirror(black-ed)
The fourth scene is the MOST HURTING SCENE.. I was in a Table Tennis competition(Class meeting) and i played aganist Radit. When the ball rolled too far away, i went to take it and because i was stuck (the corridor is full of people) i screamed," Get Away" and everybody went away. So i took the pingpong ball and went back, (it's a game until 100 points), then i went back the referee said that it's 1-75, but i just played 2 rallies with him, and then Radit laughed at me and said that i wasn't good enough to play Table Tennis and that 1-75 is for the NOT wasting of time. And then Randy showed up and shouted at me I never want to be a friend with a fat brat like you. Because i was angry in that dream i cubit all of them there, and then Sasa showed up and said," It's not the way." and then miss kartika showed up and shouted something and i don't know and i suddenly woke up and CRIED, because of that dream.
The first scene of the dream showed me that there were mean souls in this world and it destroy a building, and i looked that all of these happens because God is mad at the human...
The second scene is that i joined 2 of my friends(which i don't know in the real world(not even acquintance)). And she built up a kekkai or whatever around it.
The third scene is that i was at the Ground Floor of my school and ready to take the elevator, and the elevator is layered with mirror(black-ed)
The fourth scene is the MOST HURTING SCENE.. I was in a Table Tennis competition(Class meeting) and i played aganist Radit. When the ball rolled too far away, i went to take it and because i was stuck (the corridor is full of people) i screamed," Get Away" and everybody went away. So i took the pingpong ball and went back, (it's a game until 100 points), then i went back the referee said that it's 1-75, but i just played 2 rallies with him, and then Radit laughed at me and said that i wasn't good enough to play Table Tennis and that 1-75 is for the NOT wasting of time. And then Randy showed up and shouted at me I never want to be a friend with a fat brat like you. Because i was angry in that dream i cubit all of them there, and then Sasa showed up and said," It's not the way." and then miss kartika showed up and shouted something and i don't know and i suddenly woke up and CRIED, because of that dream.
Test, argh.
So, i have just finished my Final Test week, i only got 1 A- and 1 A (as long as i know).. and so many B-.. It's okay as long as i don't get any C-s. I think that my failure for this semester is that i'm OVERconfident for the test... That's what i think, although i think that i had studied so hard. But i'm not satisfied with my result because some of my friends that RARELY study in the classroom, got around 80-90 on every subject.. SHIT. I know that they have been ****ting for that week, but hmm they can't cheat forever hahaha(no offense.).
Math: 62,5 and 65 (it's 63,5 for overall)
Chemistry: 88 and 93 (the best score for all of my subject)
Physics: 50 and ??(just know one of the score)
Biology: 21+9+??divided by 70(urghhh)
Mandarin: 90 something(i forgot)
Civics: although i got 55 on the final, i have a B- on the report card.. not bad.
Bahasa: ==a no comment.
English: 81..
WORST SEMESTER OF the 4 SEMESTERs I have been through ARGH
Math: 62,5 and 65 (it's 63,5 for overall)
Chemistry: 88 and 93 (the best score for all of my subject)
Physics: 50 and ??(just know one of the score)
Biology: 21+9+??divided by 70(urghhh)
Mandarin: 90 something(i forgot)
Civics: although i got 55 on the final, i have a B- on the report card.. not bad.
Bahasa: ==a no comment.
English: 81..
WORST SEMESTER OF the 4 SEMESTERs I have been through ARGH
Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009
Actually i have another entry but it accidentally deleted so i post this one instead.
I really lost interest in playing Online games, because i start thinking that it's useless, i 'm more happy without playing Online Games i guess, because without playing computer games, i'll sleep earlier that help my study =D...
I'm waiting for another game that'll interest me, Rohan = Pointless... It's just leveling, Quest-ing, and so on... There's no storyline/ Chipwar(in RF).. that makes this game ordinary...
I'm not bored actually , sometimes i *Online* my Rohan character just to chat with my friends there.. Not LEVELING, not QUEST-ING....
I'm waiting for another game that'll interest me, Rohan = Pointless... It's just leveling, Quest-ing, and so on... There's no storyline/ Chipwar(in RF).. that makes this game ordinary...
I'm not bored actually , sometimes i *Online* my Rohan character just to chat with my friends there.. Not LEVELING, not QUEST-ING....
So today, i realize that someone that i though was nice and i usually talk to is selfish when the other one who i though was mean and i never talk to is Friendly.
He (the first one) is suffered a little bit of autism so i PITY him, but he is really overdo it. He hit my friend with his racket..(i know he isn't intentional but he didn't apologize to him). that's the first reason and the second reason is, he acts like that he is the one who own the tennis court, Fvck Ur Life.. (I know i'm mean to scold an Autism kid but it's really what i feel).
He(the second one) is a rich kid, I though he is mean (i mean Not Nice) because i have met so many rich kids in my school, and the result shows that almost all of them are Not Nice(Berandalan). But when i tried to talk to him(because my friend told me that he's friendly) so i tried to speak to him. The result shows that he is friendly and nice... And i'm happy to have a friend like that. =D
I found out that someone has 6 fingers on his right hand while 5 on his left Wow...
He (the first one) is suffered a little bit of autism so i PITY him, but he is really overdo it. He hit my friend with his racket..(i know he isn't intentional but he didn't apologize to him). that's the first reason and the second reason is, he acts like that he is the one who own the tennis court, Fvck Ur Life.. (I know i'm mean to scold an Autism kid but it's really what i feel).
He(the second one) is a rich kid, I though he is mean (i mean Not Nice) because i have met so many rich kids in my school, and the result shows that almost all of them are Not Nice(Berandalan). But when i tried to talk to him(because my friend told me that he's friendly) so i tried to speak to him. The result shows that he is friendly and nice... And i'm happy to have a friend like that. =D
I found out that someone has 6 fingers on his right hand while 5 on his left Wow...
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
Web-Based Game.
So, i had been absent hmm, for 6 six days. But now i'm back =D, FYI, i'm lazy to post entries in my holiday Lol...
I have been playing a Web-Based Game for hmm 5 days, it's Rockin Racket( , it's just about how you manage your tennis player, what tournament to join, when will he take a rest, bla bla. It's a little exciting especially when i watched my tennis player won a match... hahaha.
Actually, before Rockin Racket, there're many web-based game that i've ever tried to play/played. Travian.. Does PET society count? (not many.. lol)
hmm now, a review for the past 6 days...
26, at home, bored, ate a mushroom soup with bread chunks =D(my favorite)
25, airport, my brother is going back to US.. >.<
24, taipan, buffet... (we ate more than usual(2 fish dishes, 2 crab dishes, 2 prawn dishes, 15 plates of dimsums)
23, gading, ate 2 bowls of Green Cincau, ate at Rice Bowl...
22, go to Indah Seafood, located around Gunung Sahari, Jakut
21, go to Bandung, got 4 clothes(1 T-shirt, and 3 others) and a pair of jeans, won a lottery that gave us a Sandwich Maker
I feel extremely dissapointing now, because i just found out that school is 2 days more...(I hope i can switch back from my holiday bedtime(noon-4.00 am) to my schoolday bedtime(10.00pm- noon)^^)
I have been playing a Web-Based Game for hmm 5 days, it's Rockin Racket( , it's just about how you manage your tennis player, what tournament to join, when will he take a rest, bla bla. It's a little exciting especially when i watched my tennis player won a match... hahaha.
Actually, before Rockin Racket, there're many web-based game that i've ever tried to play/played. Travian.. Does PET society count? (not many.. lol)
hmm now, a review for the past 6 days...
26, at home, bored, ate a mushroom soup with bread chunks =D(my favorite)
25, airport, my brother is going back to US.. >.<
24, taipan, buffet... (we ate more than usual(2 fish dishes, 2 crab dishes, 2 prawn dishes, 15 plates of dimsums)
23, gading, ate 2 bowls of Green Cincau, ate at Rice Bowl...
22, go to Indah Seafood, located around Gunung Sahari, Jakut
21, go to Bandung, got 4 clothes(1 T-shirt, and 3 others) and a pair of jeans, won a lottery that gave us a Sandwich Maker
I feel extremely dissapointing now, because i just found out that school is 2 days more...(I hope i can switch back from my holiday bedtime(noon-4.00 am) to my schoolday bedtime(10.00pm- noon)^^)
Minggu, 20 September 2009
So, i just came back from hmm what i called *my MMORPG world* and wrote this entry..
So, friday: Missing Children Day
I went to MKG with my fams, and when i stepped in MKG 2(from MKG 3)... Ting Tung Ting Tung, Attention please, (Kepada semua pengunjung Mall Kelapa Gading, dimohon perhatiannya, Jose, seorang laki", berumur 9 tahun, memakai kaos coklat, celana panjang coklat, sepatu kuning, telah tersesat dari orang tuanya, siapapun yang menemukannya, tolong segera laporkan ke meja informasi di lantai dasar) ting tung ting tung... That's the first case
I went to MAG after MKG, and when i was in front of ACE, Ting Tung Ting Tung, Attention please(Kepada semua pengunjung Mall Artha Gading, bla bla bla) but this time, it was a girl..
*I was a little freaked out that day*
So, saturday: normal day though
I went to Keyaki in Sari Pan Pasific and ate a buffet ^^, hmm Sushi, Cawan mushi, ogura ice cream, Sukiyaki, Miso Shiru, Salmon, Tempura, HMMMM Yummy. =D
and today: i dunno why but a fish in my pond was died, not a big matter though *i don't like pet BTW* They are just costing you money, time, energy. =D
So, friday: Missing Children Day
I went to MKG with my fams, and when i stepped in MKG 2(from MKG 3)... Ting Tung Ting Tung, Attention please, (Kepada semua pengunjung Mall Kelapa Gading, dimohon perhatiannya, Jose, seorang laki", berumur 9 tahun, memakai kaos coklat, celana panjang coklat, sepatu kuning, telah tersesat dari orang tuanya, siapapun yang menemukannya, tolong segera laporkan ke meja informasi di lantai dasar) ting tung ting tung... That's the first case
I went to MAG after MKG, and when i was in front of ACE, Ting Tung Ting Tung, Attention please(Kepada semua pengunjung Mall Artha Gading, bla bla bla) but this time, it was a girl..
*I was a little freaked out that day*
So, saturday: normal day though
I went to Keyaki in Sari Pan Pasific and ate a buffet ^^, hmm Sushi, Cawan mushi, ogura ice cream, Sukiyaki, Miso Shiru, Salmon, Tempura, HMMMM Yummy. =D
and today: i dunno why but a fish in my pond was died, not a big matter though *i don't like pet BTW* They are just costing you money, time, energy. =D
Minggu, 13 September 2009
Freaky Sunday xP
Today, i went to Gading with Selvi and Cynthia, yes again(although it's just the second time i went to Gading with only both of them. It's really relaxing to walk with them ^^.
So i arrived at 11.30 am. Assuming that they would arrive at around 12(that's what they told me..), but they arrived at around 1 pm...... We went to XXI and bought 3 tickets for Final Destination 3D.
As we were watching, the lights suddenly went off, and Selvi told me that the lights also went down when she was watching it last week here with her friends, at the exactly the same time with this time... Freaky huh?
Well, the story is a little to pushy(memaksa haha). It's unusual to see that everytime a person dies, there were no investigation bla bla. Yes, i know, this movie is about the Death God/ Grim the Reaper took their life one by one(which supposed to be in the same time(in the place where the main character had his de ja vu). That's only my opinion....
So, i went back home at around 6. My computer still broken, so i updated this blog w/ my brother's laptop, not the computer, but the monitor ==a...
So i arrived at 11.30 am. Assuming that they would arrive at around 12(that's what they told me..), but they arrived at around 1 pm...... We went to XXI and bought 3 tickets for Final Destination 3D.
As we were watching, the lights suddenly went off, and Selvi told me that the lights also went down when she was watching it last week here with her friends, at the exactly the same time with this time... Freaky huh?
Well, the story is a little to pushy(memaksa haha). It's unusual to see that everytime a person dies, there were no investigation bla bla. Yes, i know, this movie is about the Death God/ Grim the Reaper took their life one by one(which supposed to be in the same time(in the place where the main character had his de ja vu). That's only my opinion....
So, i went back home at around 6. My computer still broken, so i updated this blog w/ my brother's laptop, not the computer, but the monitor ==a...
Kamis, 10 September 2009
At last, holiday.... Yipee
So, tomorrow is the last day of school..... and hmm i think i'll miss lot of my friends ^^... But we can still comunicate via Internet so it's okay... Today, i had a chemistry test, but it's really hard and it's only 45 minutes + 5 extra minutes from my teacher haha.. But i think she made a good choice.. She said that she'll score from the questions that had been answered... ^^ only finished 10 out of 12 though......
Btw, yesterday is the hmm the second time i feel that Mr. De Brito is a nice person (the first time is the first time he entered our class...). The story is hmm, so i had a test from hmm Mr. PEEEP and it's Maths... So he gave us 2 periods(Mr peeep).... The first period is not Mr. De Brito who watched us.. But the second is.. so at the second period.. Most of us already DESPERATE... so wdc Mr De Brito in front of the class and we just copy from 3 smartest students in our class, i don't want to tell you guys the names haha, the answers are clear enough. So, i did 24 questions only from 25... i did 12 by myself and the other 12 by cheating.. Why i left the last number? because i'm too lazy to cheat again.. i felt guilty(but it's a lie).. hahahahaha Lol
I feel happy now if i go to the tennis course.. ^^. After complaining for 4 times to my trainer, he let me to join the higher class of tennis which is D3, with in one condition, there are the kids(who i post in the last entry). So i feel relieve... Lol
Yap, and day after tomorrow i'll move to ancol.. goodbye sunter xP....
Btw, yesterday is the hmm the second time i feel that Mr. De Brito is a nice person (the first time is the first time he entered our class...). The story is hmm, so i had a test from hmm Mr. PEEEP and it's Maths... So he gave us 2 periods(Mr peeep).... The first period is not Mr. De Brito who watched us.. But the second is.. so at the second period.. Most of us already DESPERATE... so wdc Mr De Brito in front of the class and we just copy from 3 smartest students in our class, i don't want to tell you guys the names haha, the answers are clear enough. So, i did 24 questions only from 25... i did 12 by myself and the other 12 by cheating.. Why i left the last number? because i'm too lazy to cheat again.. i felt guilty(but it's a lie).. hahahahaha Lol
I feel happy now if i go to the tennis course.. ^^. After complaining for 4 times to my trainer, he let me to join the higher class of tennis which is D3, with in one condition, there are the kids(who i post in the last entry). So i feel relieve... Lol
Yap, and day after tomorrow i'll move to ancol.. goodbye sunter xP....
Jumat, 04 September 2009
I don't like children...
Hmm, So Just go to the Topic. I hate Children.. Really, maybe because i'm already mature, so i hate to see anyone acts childish around me(always childish). Sometimes i act childish just too, hmm be a little bit relax in school. I'm not childish at home or hmm *tempat les*. Because i think that those 2 places are the place you can relax enough so I don't need to be hmm childish to get relax. *tempat les* is because it's not as strict as school....
Everyone must get through the Child State, to get to the Mature State. I was child before, and i like to be childish(reason stated above). But i can see the condition when i can be childish, when i must be serious. But children just can't see where are they standing. They just act whatever they want. It's all I get when I go to the *les tennis*. They are just showing off, but actually, they are NOTHING, NOTHING you know. They have been playing for just 3 years but they are in the same line as me, who just played 4 months.I'm not showing off, but it's because they showed off first..
Sub-topic: Selfishness
As you know, every human beings have the thing called *Selfishness* in themselves. They are selfish from the Child State.. From their childish act i can see that they're selfish, really, SELFISH. When there're someone in a team make a mistake(which *merugikan* him/her.). They seek a revenge, but it's not only disadvantage him/her only, but the whole team, if you disadvantage(revenge) the one who disadvantage you first, then I(if i am in that team) will be disadvantaged twice, That's not fair. But children are like that... SELFISH. I'm not the people that like to seek revenge unlessssss they are the people i don't like..........*but i must not make my image bad because of them(except SCHOOL, idc about what the school think of me, i have paid them)*
I'm not showing off myself, i also know that children can't understand what i was writing here... but i just want to tell what i think in here.
Everyone must get through the Child State, to get to the Mature State. I was child before, and i like to be childish(reason stated above). But i can see the condition when i can be childish, when i must be serious. But children just can't see where are they standing. They just act whatever they want. It's all I get when I go to the *les tennis*. They are just showing off, but actually, they are NOTHING, NOTHING you know. They have been playing for just 3 years but they are in the same line as me, who just played 4 months.I'm not showing off, but it's because they showed off first..
Sub-topic: Selfishness
As you know, every human beings have the thing called *Selfishness* in themselves. They are selfish from the Child State.. From their childish act i can see that they're selfish, really, SELFISH. When there're someone in a team make a mistake(which *merugikan* him/her.). They seek a revenge, but it's not only disadvantage him/her only, but the whole team, if you disadvantage(revenge) the one who disadvantage you first, then I(if i am in that team) will be disadvantaged twice, That's not fair. But children are like that... SELFISH. I'm not the people that like to seek revenge unlessssss they are the people i don't like..........*but i must not make my image bad because of them(except SCHOOL, idc about what the school think of me, i have paid them)*
I'm not showing off myself, i also know that children can't understand what i was writing here... but i just want to tell what i think in here.
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009
MMORPG Addicted...
I was playing Rohan Online this whole week, and it's really fun, hmm 3 reasons: 1. With My Friends, 2. I haven't played MMORPG when i stopped playing RF at June(or May?), 3. It's not boring. I have been playing Rohan for almost a month, lv 35..
I just got my Iphone ^^. But i can't use it to phone or to messaging, because i haven't registered it at hmm some place where i don't know.. It's sucks ....
I missed school so much *but it's a lie*. I am going to have a flag ceremony on Monday. You know what the reason is?? Because hmm, we must congratulate the new Student Organization's New LEADER(i don't know if it's the correct word)... It's so unimportant, because i DON'T care about that damn Student Organization's New Leader Election thing, but why i must congratulate him/her with Flag Ceremony? *Damn*.
I just got my Iphone ^^. But i can't use it to phone or to messaging, because i haven't registered it at hmm some place where i don't know.. It's sucks ....
I missed school so much *but it's a lie*. I am going to have a flag ceremony on Monday. You know what the reason is?? Because hmm, we must congratulate the new Student Organization's New LEADER(i don't know if it's the correct word)... It's so unimportant, because i DON'T care about that damn Student Organization's New Leader Election thing, but why i must congratulate him/her with Flag Ceremony? *Damn*.
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009
Hey! I'm back...
So, after hmm a long weekend.. I want to write an entry again.. Hmm.... Because, i think there should be a little secret of me that i keep that in myself, and not to tell people about it ^^.....
Hmm, Drama, Indonesian Drama, My teacher gave my friends and me a project and yes, it's Drama. My group hmm, still confused which topic to take, either Love or Horror. But's i like both of them, so i hope that I and they will make a good decision ^^.
There is one more thing. I feel that i'm too into a group of friend that makes me forget the others.. Actually it's not their fault, it's my fault, so i'm maybe keep a little distance for a while and i'm going to not hang out with them for 2-3 weeks until all settle down... ^^
Wish Me Luck!!,
Hmm, Drama, Indonesian Drama, My teacher gave my friends and me a project and yes, it's Drama. My group hmm, still confused which topic to take, either Love or Horror. But's i like both of them, so i hope that I and they will make a good decision ^^.
There is one more thing. I feel that i'm too into a group of friend that makes me forget the others.. Actually it's not their fault, it's my fault, so i'm maybe keep a little distance for a while and i'm going to not hang out with them for 2-3 weeks until all settle down... ^^
Wish Me Luck!!,
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009
Hmm... Her Voice... Wow. haha
Hari ini ada temen gw yang Ultah nih ceritanya (sabtu, 8-8-09(baru nyadar sepupu gw jga Ultah, tapi ntah knp gw gk diajak pergi ama dia ==a)) hahaha. trus. dia tuh traktirin kita makan jalan" gitu... sampai jam 4-an gitu... kita semua karaoke kan... Awalnya seh si orang yang Ultah ini diem" aj cman ikut"an nyanyi doank without mic.. tapi setelah Sesi Lagu Rock abis.. dan masuk ke Lagu Pop.. Wow, she's so astonishing. haha dia bgus banget suaranya... Lagu PP, Peterpan, Jobros, Miley Cyrus. dia bisa semua seh hahaha. tapi dia hmm walau cman nyanyi bagian yang dia bisa tapi menurut gw itu dah lebih dari cukup ^^........
Hahaha, btw hari ini pas sebelom gw ke Gadingnya gw ngerasa hmm, gmn y? Unhappy gitu ntah kenapa.. tapi setelah ketemu temen" di sono seh haha dah ^^ kembali. Di sono banyak orang suka candid candid gitu hmm: Lutung, Cyn, Boogie.... gw sendiri juga seh tapi males post ke FB ....
Besok... pergi ke Gading lagi. aduh dah 2 hari berturut" ke gading masa besok ke gading lagi?? jumat, beliin hadiah bwat yang ultah. sabtu diundang rayain. minggu diajakin nonton.. ==a d haha ^^ tapi tetep d gw ikut aj. Mempererat hubungan antar teman.. cieeee. wkwkwk
Hahaha, btw hari ini pas sebelom gw ke Gadingnya gw ngerasa hmm, gmn y? Unhappy gitu ntah kenapa.. tapi setelah ketemu temen" di sono seh haha dah ^^ kembali. Di sono banyak orang suka candid candid gitu hmm: Lutung, Cyn, Boogie.... gw sendiri juga seh tapi males post ke FB ....
Besok... pergi ke Gading lagi. aduh dah 2 hari berturut" ke gading masa besok ke gading lagi?? jumat, beliin hadiah bwat yang ultah. sabtu diundang rayain. minggu diajakin nonton.. ==a d haha ^^ tapi tetep d gw ikut aj. Mempererat hubungan antar teman.. cieeee. wkwkwk
Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009
Special Edition... *Indonesian
OKay, hari ini dikeselin ama 2 anak.... di tempat les... yah, emg gw gk jago tapi hmm, gk usah diketawain gitu kale... hmm, yang pasti gw tuh gk semales salah satunya, dan gk semaen"in-nya yang 1 lagi..
maybe gw hari ini agak serius kale y? masalahnya gk ada yang bisa diajak obrol pas les-ny. trus tuh 2 tuh omong terus... bukannya gimana, tapi agak SoIng gitu. Omongnya inggris terus... trus gk henti"nya hina gw gitu, bilang gw brainless.... gk bisa inggris.... tolol .... WTF mereka b2 yang masih umur 8-9 an aj omong gitu.. gmn pas gede booo? hahaha.
hari ini les inggris dibatalkan karena dah gak ada kelasnya hari ini.. hmm so, gw nulis entry ini ^^
maybe gw hari ini agak serius kale y? masalahnya gk ada yang bisa diajak obrol pas les-ny. trus tuh 2 tuh omong terus... bukannya gimana, tapi agak SoIng gitu. Omongnya inggris terus... trus gk henti"nya hina gw gitu, bilang gw brainless.... gk bisa inggris.... tolol .... WTF mereka b2 yang masih umur 8-9 an aj omong gitu.. gmn pas gede booo? hahaha.
hari ini les inggris dibatalkan karena dah gak ada kelasnya hari ini.. hmm so, gw nulis entry ini ^^
Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009
Tired?, maybe..
I'm so tired today that i already want to sleep at 8... Maybe it's b'coz of the Chemistry HW and the Math Test tomorrow.. haha.. Already sleepy...
I found out that my friend(MS) is having a close relationship with my another friend(RO)... congratzz ^^
I found out that my friend(MS) is having a close relationship with my another friend(RO)... congratzz ^^
Senin, 03 Agustus 2009
Found something special today....
Okay.. There're 3 different things that i want to talk about in this entry...
1. Teachers' real face
2. Kind Uncle on the road..
3. Weight Control...
1.... Hmm, today (monday) again.... i accepted many Homeworks from 3 teachers i think... Ms Cutie, Mr. Very Very Nice and Mr. Portugal. hmm, although i can finish them.. But i don't know why they are so happy to give us Homeworks??? ==a Okay and here it is. I asked Ms. Cutie about Mr. Portugal today... But.. hmm i think she doesn't take it as a matter. Like i had said before.. why a new teacher teaches INTENSIVE class? not that i look down on him or i look up to myself.. but, it's just so strange !!!!
2.... So, today, same.. i went to the Tennis Centre at Yaporti at 4 today... I praticed some slices haha, i think i have improved some in the Serving.. okay To the point.. It was 6 and i was waiting for the Ojek Driver to show up in front of his motorcycle... hmm, then suddenly an uncle showed up and ask me if i want to take his motorcycle so i took the offer and i got down of his motorcycle at EF, when i got down i asked, " How much is it?" and then he said ," It's not Ojek" ==a "OMG, thanks !!!!" I said that.... I'm suprised that i can still found some nice people in this cruel world..
3. Okay, so i intend to write my weight in this blog to remind me how much do i lost/ gained in the following weeks... my weight now.... 83,5 kg. ^^ haha, i hope i can reduce it to 70 something by my 16th birthday ^^!!
1. Teachers' real face
2. Kind Uncle on the road..
3. Weight Control...
1.... Hmm, today (monday) again.... i accepted many Homeworks from 3 teachers i think... Ms Cutie, Mr. Very Very Nice and Mr. Portugal. hmm, although i can finish them.. But i don't know why they are so happy to give us Homeworks??? ==a Okay and here it is. I asked Ms. Cutie about Mr. Portugal today... But.. hmm i think she doesn't take it as a matter. Like i had said before.. why a new teacher teaches INTENSIVE class? not that i look down on him or i look up to myself.. but, it's just so strange !!!!
2.... So, today, same.. i went to the Tennis Centre at Yaporti at 4 today... I praticed some slices haha, i think i have improved some in the Serving.. okay To the point.. It was 6 and i was waiting for the Ojek Driver to show up in front of his motorcycle... hmm, then suddenly an uncle showed up and ask me if i want to take his motorcycle so i took the offer and i got down of his motorcycle at EF, when i got down i asked, " How much is it?" and then he said ," It's not Ojek" ==a "OMG, thanks !!!!" I said that.... I'm suprised that i can still found some nice people in this cruel world..
3. Okay, so i intend to write my weight in this blog to remind me how much do i lost/ gained in the following weeks... my weight now.... 83,5 kg. ^^ haha, i hope i can reduce it to 70 something by my 16th birthday ^^!!
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009
Murderer... KEREN!!! ada banyak foto kocak
Hmm, so today i went to Gading with Nicky, her bf, Cynthia, Santa and Selvi.. Actually most of the time it was just Cynthia, Selvi and me.. b'coz hmm... i think her bf isn't that E-G haha. Hmm, we went to a beverages stand near the escalator... FYI, when i arrived there... there was a black out... But 15 minutes later.... the lights were on again ^^ Yay! Then, i met Selvi at TimeZone and went to StarBucks On the Ground Floor.. I bought a really small + expensive Green Tea Latte and ate a very small piece and expensive cheese cake.. *not that strong aganist food temptation ^^....
So after that, Nicky said that she wanted to go to Sushi Tei and ate with her bf and sister.. so Cynthia, Selvi and I decided to sit out of the Lunch.... We went to Happy Puppy @Lapiaz. Cynthia got a photo with a Ms. kuntilanak on it... At last, we went to XXI and watched MURDERER !!!!
Murderer is a Chinese HongKong Film.. It's about hmm.. a little psycho killer who kills his/her victim with an electric drill(bor listrik??) and let the victim died with the huge amount of blood lost. Hmm, maybe it's better that you watch it by yourself. coz.. the storyline is huge....... ^^
After Murderer, we went to Bamboo with taxi and ate a lot of ALL YOU CAN EAT Dimsum there haha. I felt a little embrassed(right spelling?) because everytime the waiter offered us the dimsum we took them all to our table... there're 2 photos i took there... seeeeee

So after that, Nicky said that she wanted to go to Sushi Tei and ate with her bf and sister.. so Cynthia, Selvi and I decided to sit out of the Lunch.... We went to Happy Puppy @Lapiaz. Cynthia got a photo with a Ms. kuntilanak on it... At last, we went to XXI and watched MURDERER !!!!
Murderer is a Chinese HongKong Film.. It's about hmm.. a little psycho killer who kills his/her victim with an electric drill(bor listrik??) and let the victim died with the huge amount of blood lost. Hmm, maybe it's better that you watch it by yourself. coz.. the storyline is huge....... ^^
After Murderer, we went to Bamboo with taxi and ate a lot of ALL YOU CAN EAT Dimsum there haha. I felt a little embrassed(right spelling?) because everytime the waiter offered us the dimsum we took them all to our table... there're 2 photos i took there... seeeeee

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009
Hmm... Bored Bored and Bored...
==a x infinitive
yesterday, we had a choir pratice in the school for the independence day *don't know the spelling is true or wrong.. It's so boring...... actually it's because i was so sleepy that i felt bored. Btw, Cindy looked angry yesterday at the Choir Pratice Session. I wonder why?
hmm, so yesterday... i was supposed to go out with Selvi and the others to Nicky's house. But suddenly Selvi got a stomachache so it was cancelled :[
but.. i feel okay now with Mr. J hmm i wonder why? maybe it's because the books we must bring are not as heavy as before... But he still gives us a lotttt of homework.... T_T
Today... I hope..
will go longer than yesterday.. b'coz i slept at 7 last night ==a and not woke up until 8 am this morning.. I hope today will be longer than yesterday! b'coz i had looked the TV schedule and 3pm to 10 pm is Full of the TV programs that i love to watch ^^
yesterday, we had a choir pratice in the school for the independence day *don't know the spelling is true or wrong.. It's so boring...... actually it's because i was so sleepy that i felt bored. Btw, Cindy looked angry yesterday at the Choir Pratice Session. I wonder why?
hmm, so yesterday... i was supposed to go out with Selvi and the others to Nicky's house. But suddenly Selvi got a stomachache so it was cancelled :[
but.. i feel okay now with Mr. J hmm i wonder why? maybe it's because the books we must bring are not as heavy as before... But he still gives us a lotttt of homework.... T_T
Today... I hope..
will go longer than yesterday.. b'coz i slept at 7 last night ==a and not woke up until 8 am this morning.. I hope today will be longer than yesterday! b'coz i had looked the TV schedule and 3pm to 10 pm is Full of the TV programs that i love to watch ^^
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
DvDs, Love it... School, Hate it

2 weeks ago i just bought bunchs of DvDs... Smallville, Las Vegas and The Mentalist... I think the most worth to watch is. no 1. The Mentalist 2. Smallville 3. Las Vegas.... I'm talking about the excitement and the story line in the DvD.... I had watched The Mentalist Season 1 episode 9 before i wrote this blog post..
What i have watched so far : Smallville season 3 episode 4... Las Vegas Season 6 episode 9.... The Mentalist season 1 episode 9....
I intend to buy CSI : Crime Scene Investigation as soon as i finished all of the DvDs i have bought
Okay, back to school... i feel weird... why did the Jubilee School make a new comer teacher to become my EL teacher and also my Class Teacher? It's Intensive class okay??? The IPS INTENSIF is way more lucky than we are.. Their EL teacher is my ex-EL teacher : Ms. Syu... and they don't have 2 periods with Ms. Cutie and Mr. Very Very Kind... ARGHHH The New Teachers that just teach us have the same habit..... HOMEWORK yeah.. HOMEWORK with infinitive S-es.
Rabu, 29 Juli 2009
Hey you Mr. J - - a
Okay.. so wkwk. blog gw pasti bahasanya campur aduk dah. *to the point
hari ini jam ke-6 di skul gw tuh si Mr. J trus sebelomnya dia kasih kita PR suruh kita baca textbook gitu ada cerita yang 5 halaman dan sama sekali gk menarik... Lalu dia suruh kita kerjain Workbooknya.. disuruh deskripsi karakter inget! DESKRIPSI... dan juga pertanyaan" yang menyangkut itu......
Lalu pas Jam H-nya.... dia masuk trus gw dengan tampang sok rajinnya omong:" Sir ini HW-nya. "
trus dia bilang.. "okay we'll discussed it later... I will not discussed it for you.." Kalo gk dikumpul yah bilang gk usah dikumpul!!!! apain kaya gw minta dia kasih jawaban aj T_T. Lalu kan dah nyampe salah satu karakter utama namanya Dawan gitu... trus dia kan adeknya Kwai... Lalu...
dia tuh dah nulis banyak banget deskripsinya di papan.. tapi gk ada tentang hubungan dia ama karakter laennya( Kwai ). Trus gw bilang:," Sir! Dawan is KWAI's sister!!! " trus dia dengan tololnya menulis She is a WISE ...... trus gw tegasin :" KWAI Sir! KWAI " Trus dia bilang : "I'm talking about personalities here... " Trus gw nunjuk buku Workbook yang dengan jelas" ada DESCRIPTION dia malah mintanya personalitiesnya doank ==a ==a FHL. Trus dia bilang sesuatu yang terdenger bego dari sudut pandang gw : " Yes, of course. I know I know.. Everybody knows that. " Yang gk baca ceritanya mana tau seh ??? ==a
sudahlah.. gk penting pusingin itu....
Btw, besok kelas gw ada tumpengan... dan Ankle gw... KESELEO yap.. benar. KESELEO.. semoga besok bisa masuk skul d bwat tumpengan ^^ GBU and Me ^^
hari ini jam ke-6 di skul gw tuh si Mr. J trus sebelomnya dia kasih kita PR suruh kita baca textbook gitu ada cerita yang 5 halaman dan sama sekali gk menarik... Lalu dia suruh kita kerjain Workbooknya.. disuruh deskripsi karakter inget! DESKRIPSI... dan juga pertanyaan" yang menyangkut itu......
Lalu pas Jam H-nya.... dia masuk trus gw dengan tampang sok rajinnya omong:" Sir ini HW-nya. "
trus dia bilang.. "okay we'll discussed it later... I will not discussed it for you.." Kalo gk dikumpul yah bilang gk usah dikumpul!!!! apain kaya gw minta dia kasih jawaban aj T_T. Lalu kan dah nyampe salah satu karakter utama namanya Dawan gitu... trus dia kan adeknya Kwai... Lalu...
dia tuh dah nulis banyak banget deskripsinya di papan.. tapi gk ada tentang hubungan dia ama karakter laennya( Kwai ). Trus gw bilang:," Sir! Dawan is KWAI's sister!!! " trus dia dengan tololnya menulis She is a WISE ...... trus gw tegasin :" KWAI Sir! KWAI " Trus dia bilang : "I'm talking about personalities here... " Trus gw nunjuk buku Workbook yang dengan jelas" ada DESCRIPTION dia malah mintanya personalitiesnya doank ==a ==a FHL. Trus dia bilang sesuatu yang terdenger bego dari sudut pandang gw : " Yes, of course. I know I know.. Everybody knows that. " Yang gk baca ceritanya mana tau seh ??? ==a
sudahlah.. gk penting pusingin itu....
Btw, besok kelas gw ada tumpengan... dan Ankle gw... KESELEO yap.. benar. KESELEO.. semoga besok bisa masuk skul d bwat tumpengan ^^ GBU and Me ^^
Senin, 27 April 2009
Yap.. PS 2...

Yap alow semua hha, belum berapa lama setelah perkenalan dan salam....
Gw yakin lu pada gk taw.. gw tuh maniak tennis... walau maennya masih cupu",
tapi gw tuh demen banget ama yang namanya TENNIS....
&final fantasy, kingdom hearts and other RPGs....
Jadinya kan gw kemaren pergi ke Sunter Mall.... Gw tuh kepengen beli kaset FFX
masalahnya setelah gw baca" majalah dari temen tentang FF gitu. gw jadi pengen maen lagi......
ini udah ke-4 x nya gw beli kaset FFX.... ke-1,2 rusak...... dan hilang........
ke-3 baru gw beli 4 hari sebelomnya dan tak terbaca oleh PS2 gwe.......
dan gwpun ke Sunter Mall... setelah sampai di sana....
mungkin pada gk tau... Kaset Game Tennis yang di PS2 tuh banyak banget.....
tapi gw cman ketemu Top Spin doank... huhuhu >.<>\
Okay d.. jadi gw sekarang lagi maen... Lol.. bagi yang demen game PS2 boleh d coba game yang gw dah sebut di atas so..
Yay.. My First Post on my first blog
Yap... gw masih awam dalam blogging Lol.
Tapi, y gw pengen menulis tentang keseharian.. dll
dan bukannya bwat membanggakan.. tapi hanya menceritakan ^^....
Gw bkin blog ini, y karena....
gk ada alasan jga seh...
Tapi, y gw pengen menulis tentang keseharian.. dll
dan bukannya bwat membanggakan.. tapi hanya menceritakan ^^....
Gw bkin blog ini, y karena....
gk ada alasan jga seh...
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