Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Hmm, not a good time, but i'm not trying to *tidak punya attitude*

Yeah, as i posted in the last post, my Great Grandmother just passed away, and... When i asked my mother, how are we going to celebrate this year's christmas.. My mom answered," your great Grandmother just passed away, we must be like in a *melayat* mode for one whole year.. So we can't celebrate any occasion (include our birthdays(no birthday cakes & presents), new year(no firecrackers), SinChia(no angpao coming), Lebaran(no effect) ).
So, 2010 will be sucks... I think.. The Great Grandmother is from my dad's side.. so all of my dad's relatives are going to go through the whole years like this. Just hoping my parents don't prohibite me from going to a mall Lol...

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Santa Claus is coming... to town...

It's chrismas holiday starts from today =DDD. It's 2 weeks long. I hope i can regain my energy that i've used for the Try Out-s

So i just finished playing it.. and.. yeah, nothing that much to say
I want to say ," congrats kagamine to have a loveydovey relationship"

*it's kinda like a junk post huh? ={

Nothing much to said, my great grandmother just passed away ;'( .
Actually, i'm going there on the 20th.. But the Visa doesn't allow it..
I think i'll just pass this christmas in my home =x

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009


Yeah, there's a downfall as an *smart-marked* student(LOLLLL!!!). When I got good grades, i would underestimates every other subjects... And it was proved TODAY...

My maths = 40 WOWW!!
My indonesian language = 58 Top 20 from the bot...

so, today.. i studied hard for the physics test coming up tomorrow, i only can hoping that it'll go well tomorrow =D.

I just watched Supernatural(actually yesterday), it's about a magic show, and the magician shows the trick to escape from the death.. ex: he got stabbed in chest with a knife, and he survived, while..... somewhere , there's a man died with the same way as the magician should died.. Creepy huh? (i didn't watch until the ending :'(...

Yea, i start thinking if i'm capable for the intensive class or not(i just though it after 4 semesters in the class LOL).

:'( ,

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Hmm, 3 pilihan yang berbeda..

Gw seh baru kepikiran bwat mikirin masa depan gw pas gw nulis blog ini, trus gw cek tentang jurusan" yang ada di Univ yang bonyok gw pengen gw masuk...
Trus gw dapet 3 pilihan ini:
1. Surgery
2.Pharmateutics OR
3.Human Centered Design

Yah, besok gw omongin ama bonyok d, dan juga konsultasi ama ngko gw. haha, semoga diberkati d =D..


Hmm, beneran d, kalo 1 orang berubah semua kena cipratannya

I just read a post of my friend's personal blog.. His/her situation is the same as mine... Struggling with his/her mind... Me too....

Really, gw dah berusaha seh tetap menjaga hubungan.. Tapi gw ngerasa itu kayanya dah kgk diperlukan sekarang...

Masa lalu yah masa lalu...

Kalau terlalu dipaksa malah ancur.. terlalu dibiarkan juga ancur...

Sekarang tuh kalo di sekolah.. Yah menetap di tempat duduk aja, gk pengen berpindah tempat.. Pas dulu juga.... Dia datang yah sudah biarkan, tidak datang yah sudah, what ever..

Mungkin gw ngerasa semuanya berubah, menjadi TIDAK BEGITU dekat.. Yah that's my point of view. They're more B, i think hahaha, nvm....


Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Hmm, people changes.. - - a

So, yeah, as the title says people changes.. Yes, they really change...
Semuanya keliatan oke-oke aj ampe suatu saat tuh gw ngerasa kayanya ada benarnya peribahasa ,"Habis manis sepah dibuang"... Memang mungkin skarang dah kgk deket/ sering ngobrol kaya dulu lagi.. tapi.. apakah harus membuat gw merasa hmm... dijauhkan? haha. It's kinda annoying D:

Tadi sih gw ampe banting raket pas di tempat les, gara" kesel + banyaknya masalah di rumah gw dan di skul...

Guru Fisika gw A.K.A. Wakil Kepala Sekolah gw tuh.. Ntah kenapa tiba" sensi gitu... --a ama kelas gw.. Dia tuh act-ny beda banget ama di kelas laen... Di kelas kita diber-candain dikit aj langsung dimarahin bilangnya," Kalian gk nyadar y? kalau kalian sudah mau UN?". Blablabla, tapi di kelas laen malah Enjoy" aje --a.... pengen gw lontarkan kata" tak sopan tapi sudahlah....

Trus paling gaje tuh tadi.. kan dia masuk ke kelas kita.. trus dia nanya kita dah dapet kertas TO 1 blom? trus kita bilang blom miss, waktu itu kertasnya kurang... Trus kan dia keluar nyari kertas... TAPI.. JRENG JRENG JRENG JRENG, dia balik" marah kan awalnya gw kira gara" kelas kita ribut... Mana ada sih Teacher-less Class yang QUIET?? Tau"nya dia bilang," kalian tuh kenapa gk inisiatif dikit bwat ambil kertas soal ny?" Nadanya seh kaya ***** abis. trus ngamuk" ," kalian tuh maunya disuapin terus, disendokin terus." BULLSHITTING.... dia bilangnya tuh ," kalian tuh yang ujian bukan guru, kenapa mesti guru yang kejar" siswa?". Pengen gw samberin," Miss, KITA yang bayar UANG SEKOLAH bwat GAJI MISS." Dumbass.
Yang pasti itu berakhir dengan gw bete ama tuh guru.

Semoga ada miracle biar gw berpendapat baik lagi tentang tuh guru... --a
